Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Very well accompanied

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Anna, Emmy, Jen, Gwyneth, and by the way, what the beep is so funny for Charlize?


Blogger Rain-drop said...

The brunette...Anne? She's beautiful. What's her last name again? Gah I recognize her...

Jake is always accompanied by the pretty ladies. ;D Wasn't there something in USA Today about Emmy Rossum kissing him? That's how she got her part in Day After Tomorrow, I heard. What a lucky gal!

3:21 PM  
Blogger Weirdland said...

Yes, Emmy Rossum said that Jake let her kiss him although it was 9 in the morning... and the brunette is Anna Paquin, whom Jake performed with in the play "This is Our Youth".

10:43 PM  

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